Out and About in Kwinana – December wrap up.

freewaysouth Latest News 2nd December, 2012 No Comments

The last couple of months in 2012 will see a lot going on within the City of Kwinana. Here is a quick wrap of the progress being made around the City.


The Kwinana Marketplace: In November we saw Stage 1 of newly renamed Kwinana Marketplace (formerly Kwinana Hub). The highlight of this stage was the opening of Big W. The new store looks fantastic and is a welcome addition to this shopping centre. Just outside Big W, the food court is starting to take shape. A Jesters store is open with other food offerings busy working to complete their store fronts. Muffin Break will be opening soon. For the latest news check out their website: http://kwinanamarketplace.com.au/latest-news


Library and Resource Centre: In our last newsletter we talked about the progress being made on this huge project. This building, which will form the cornerstone of the new town centre, is really starting to take shape. The Council is hopeful that it will be open in March 2013 but at this stage it is still unwilling to give a definitive date due to several delays in the project already. Rest assured, once this building is open, the city centre will really start to take shape.


Wellard Community Centre: The Village at Wellard will soon have its first public building with work on the community centre well under way. The Community Centre will be located in what will be the heart of the village. It is expected to be open in early 2013. The developers Peet continue their work with developers but are yet to confirm any signed agreements but it is anticipated that 2013 will herald the arrival of some much anticipated development in the Village Centre.


Santa’s little helpers wanted: The City of Kwinana has a long tradition of undertaking a lolly run throughout the Kwinana area. This has been running for approximately 56 years and in recent years it has been undertaken in collaboration with the Kwinana Rotary Club. The City is currently calling for volunteers to help with this fantastic community events. For further information click here.