How to prepare your home for sale.

freewaysouth Latest News 2nd June, 2012 No Comments

When you have made the decision to sell your home, you need to put in a bit of effort to make it really stand out to potential new buyers. This will give you the best chance of achieving the desired price for your home. In our experience, taking the time to prepare your home for sale will pay off with prospective buyers. Here are some of the most effective preparations you can make:

  1. Finish off any minor projects and repairs. It is common to have a few little jobs unfinished around your home. This may be a room only half painted or a dripping tap that needs fixing. If you have a list of small jobs, consider getting in a handyman who can get them all done at once. Don’t leave these things thinking that they are only small issues as they can really detract from a home.
  2. Clear away the clutter. It is easy to let a house become cluttered and often hard for us to see it. Ask a friend to give you some advice about this if you feel you can’t look at your home objectively. Minimising clutter can make rooms appear larger and more spacious. All work tops and benches should have as little on them as possible. If you have a lot of possessions consider renting a storage unit. But a better option is to clear out your things. You will have to do this when you move anyway so why not get a head start on the process.
  3. Tidy up everywhere! People are generally fairly nosy when at a home open and often look inside cupboards and wardrobes. Don’t think that just because something is behind a closed door it won’t be seen. All of your cupboards should be nice and tidy, preferably easy to open and without things falling out. Pay particular attention to walk-in robes and linen cupboards. If these are neat and tidy the area appears larger and therefore more functional.
  4. “First impressions count” therefore make sure your home passes the ‘drive-by’ test. If your home is lovely on the inside but terrible from the street, prospective buyers may not even make it to the front door. A quick scrutiny of your home from the street can help you decide what needs to be done. Your garden should be neat and tidy with all bushes and trees pruned or trimmed with no weeds. Lawns should be well-maintained and cut just before a home open. Ensure all pathways are cleaned down and free of any debris or general clutter.
  5. Make it sparkle. Just before your home open your house should have had a thorough clean. Jobs to put on your list over and above the standard cleaning include:
    1. Cleaning the windows and flyscreens, both inside and out.
    2. Using a pressure washer to spray down pathways and exterior walls.
    3. Clean out cobwebs everywhere.
    4. Dust ceiling fan blades, air conditioning vents and light fixtures.
    5. Hang up fresh towels including tea towels in the kitchen.
    6. Clean and air out any musty smelling areas. Odours are a no-no.
    7. Clean the walls – it is surprising how grubby these can be.
    8. Clean the oven and cooktop thoroughly. People will notice!

It is really important that as a seller you want everyone who comes through your home to remember it for the positives and not the annoying, niggling little things that could have been sorted before your home open. If you are unsure about where to start then remember to speak to your agent who can happily give you some advice and guidance on what you can do to prepare your home.